Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Women don't understand football

In my article about Antalya, I had said that I would take up  the subject of whether women understand football or not seperately. I couldn’t have  predicted that this subject would come to the agenda in such a short time, however my fellow citizens gave me the chance to open this subject in a short time.

According to me this discussion is primarily about the discrimination between men and women in the first place. Both social and cultural doctrins as well as religious doctrins teach us that man and woman are totally different individuals and sometimes emphasize that they are seperated from each other with broad lines.

However we forget that man and women are the parts of a whole and complement each other. We try to ignore the fact that they are created for each other and their reason of existence is to protect each other.  We always emphasize that they are seperate sexes and underline their different aspects instead of finding their common beautiful features.
I am not going to make philosophy about man and woman, there are already thousands of films, novels, research studies, essays, stories, serial films etc. about this topic. 

Women and men may have different fields of interest. This is very normal but a woman may do everything that a man does as long as there is no physical obstacle to do it. Likewise a man can do everything that a woman does. What prevents us from doing them is not our capabilities but the boundries in our  minds. For that reason we  may say that loving something does not and may not have a sex. 

May we say something like the following for example? Blue colour is generally the favorite colour of man while women love grey, men use lined notebook while women use squared notebook with square, men love sunset while women love sunrise, men love Ali Ekber Çiçek while women prefer Neşet Ertaş, women fall in love with the smile of a man while men fall in love with the eyes of a woman? Can we make such a distinction? Can love have a sex, colour and distinction?    

Love is not in the monopoly of anybody just like hate. For example, everybody may love fotball as he/she wishes, for example.

Besides what does it mean to understand football? Does it mean knowing about tandem, cipher out the libero, drawing the wing organizations on the paper, feeling the through pass inside one’s self, what is it? Do men know and do all these? If there are so many people who understand football in this country why is turkish football dominated by the same coaches since many years? Yılmaz Vural trains 27 teams in the Turkish leagues and we can’t find a new coach. Don’t feed me that bull.

Understanding football first of all means loving football and sports and respecting those who practice it and the rivals. It means to support one’s team unconditionally in the tribunes, being happy   when the team wins and stand by it when it looses. It further means to see the beautiful and uniting aspects of football, how  being a fan nicely bring people closer to one another and ensures people, who know and don’t know each other, to be  locked in a close embrace, in occaisons of rejoice.    

Men mostly try to take sports and football in their monopoly because they forget that sports and football is a pleasure, a visual Show and a  form of love and think that it is only a quarrel. He/she who doesn’t love does not understand and protect  his/her beloved one and does not understand his/ her value. For that reason one must love football first in order to lay a claim on it.

Besides what is at stake here is not the claim that women can not play football as good as men but whether women can understand football as good as men? Is it necessary to be able to do something good in order to understand and teach that thing?
Were the pilots, who trained F1 Ferrari team, as good a pilot as Michael Schumacher? Or, do the hairdressers who create wonders on the hair of women,  do their own hair as beautiful as their clients everyday? Is Can Dündar, who wrote the most beautiful things about love, a good lover and spouse?

Therefore  it is not necessary to perform something actually in order to understand that thing. Doesn’t Uğur who says that he/she who doesn’t play football can not make a good commentary about football matches, disgrace  to Meleke?  Aren’t there good examples of football commentators who had  both played football and make wonderful commentaries?  Doesn’t  anyone who says no does unjustice to Sergen Yalçın and Rıdvan Dilmen? (even if the latter looks at life with same-coloured eye-glasses) 

In fact it is not so difficult why men boil over with rage claiming that “women do not understand football”. The reason is that football is still the castle of men in Turkey and they don’t want to let their castles captured by others. They want to protect their castles against all kinds of impact that may come from outside just as all seigneurs do. If  women begin being interested with football then men will be deprived of another  domain of power that they dominate (others may well be driving cars, wearing pants, smoking in the Street, making sex casually) and the types of dialogue an example of which is given below shall be a history:

- There is a match this Sunday, I can’t come with you to visit your mother
- I can’t clear the table because I am watching the match
- Sweetheart I will play Playstation with Cenk this evening, please don’t bother us
- My only hobby is to watch the match once a week and you spoil it
- Look darling, it is very normal not to let that man over there play because that man in the middle is the referee
- No darling, that is not a goal but an off-site, do you ask me what an off-site is?
- Are these team uniforms very sexy?

Men woud never tolerate a chicken in their garbage dump since they can’t even endure one another. For that reason it is not difficult to understand the behaviour of that fellow, who is a former football player. This is an example of the fact that it may sometimes be the easiest way for man to leave the field of contest when he can’t cope with  his rival. The one who  has confidence in his own wrist fights and wins and does not indulge in anti-professional behaviour  saying “I don’t address myself to you”.

But  it may still be asked whether there is nothing that we, the women, do not understand? Of course there is. For example we can’t understand why men only swear in the tribunes. We also don’t understand why they go silent when the team gives away the first goal, since they have come there to support their team. We further don’t understand why the man, who is demoralized at home and oppressed by his boss takes his/her revenge from  his team which he had said he would give his life for? Another thing that we, thinking logically, have hard time in understanding is how a fan, who expects successful results and championships, could buy illegal ürünler in front of the stadium as well as their deep hatred for their eternal rivals which goes far beyond competition… Men have probably right. If this is football then we really do not understand  football.   

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